Incremental goals, such as goals to increase your income by 10% in the next year, may seem 'reasonable', but very often, they lead to mediocrity or purely being average in your business. That's what reasonable people do: they set incremental goals that are safe.
If you want to create really outstanding results and unstoppable cashflow, you have to set quantum goals! Quantum goals excite you, they are 'unrealistic', but the most important thing is: they force you to think and operate on another level from other people. While people are setting average goals, you are setting high goals which guarantee you will stretch your business and marketing potential to it's limit!
Instead of aiming to increase your income by 20%, aim for 100%. Instead of increasing your goal for conversion rates from 2% to 5%, aim for 10%. Go crazy. Aim for crazy numbers, this will force you to be hyper productive and force you to look for ideas, be creative, and most importantly, take massive action that will drive you to radical success.
Do not be 'realistic' or 'reasonable', that's what average people do. If you do not want to be average, it's time to start breaking away from the norm, and start thinking and operating on another level. It's been said that only 5% of Internet entrepreneurs achieve a full-time income online. Well, I would say these 5% of entrepreneurs were not smarter, and maybe they did not even work harder. They simply set bigger goals for themselves. They thought big and were not afraid of thinking big. Mott of all, they took positive action.
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