Saturday, June 30, 2018

Obama visited a top-tier Sand Hill Road venture capital firm on a Silicon Valley trip

Barack Obama, Todd McKinnon
Okta. Used by permission

Former President Barack Obama visited the Andreessen Horowitz offices in Menlo Park, California, according to a photograph posted late Friday by Andrew Chen, a general partner at the firm.

Other general partners in the photograph include Ben Horowitz, farthest left in a blue sweater; John O'Farrell, third from the left in a pink shirt; and Jeff Jordan and Jorse Conde directly to Obama's right. Felicia Horowitz is standing in front of Obama in the striped suit.

Chen didn't post any details about why Obama was visiting the venture capital firm's offices, but the former president is on a bit of a west coast trip, according to CNN.


Obama made an appearance at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills, California on Thursday. He also reportedly attended a fundraiser in Atherton, California on Friday.

In 2016, Obama hinted that he might be interested in venture capital as a post-presidency career, and Andreessen Horowitz is regarded as one of the top firms in Silicon Valley, investing in sectors like software, biotech, and crypto.

"The conversations I have with Silicon Valley and with venture capital pull together my interests in science and organization in a way I find really satisfying," Obama told Bloomberg in 2016. "You know, you think about something like precision medicine: the work we've done to try to build off of breakthroughs in the human genome; the fact that now you can have your personal genome mapped for a thousand bucks instead of $100,000; and the potential for us to identify what your tendencies are, and to sculpt medicines that are uniquely effective for you."

"That's just an example of something I can sit and listen and talk to folks for hours about," Obama continued.

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