Monday, June 25, 2018

Explaining Why the Tablets Have a Chance to Compete Against the Apple iPad

The hype surrounding the Apple iPad has perhaps obscured some of the benefits that a tablet can bring to the table. Steve Jobs founded Apple on sound principles and once declared that this was the Post-PC arena, a broadside at one of the brand's biggest rivals. Sadly Mr. Jobs is no longer with us to witness the complete domination that is being exercised by his Apple iPad. For many people both the traditional desktop and laptop represent unnecessary burdens. They can get better service from a much more compact alternative. Size is the new determinant of success in this crowded market. In this article we critically examine the values of the Apple iPad against the charms that are associated with a tablet.

  • Simplicity: Perhaps the best thing going for the Apple iPad is its much publicized simplicity in design and execution. Once you hit the power button, it will be ready for use. When an app is installed, you are not required to restart it. The battery has an incredibly long shelf life and it is even possible to program it such that it can switch off at a certain point. Are other gadgets catching up? There are signs that manufacturers are increasingly taking advantage of this direct style when they create new products for the consumer electronics market. Even the laptop to an extent tries to mimic this kind of convenience. The only problem is that the updates are just a nightmare waiting to happen. You can spend those precious minutes trying to get the software up to date whereas your colleagues using the Apple iPad will be well on their way.

  • Portability: There was once a time when a large screen indicated the power of the product that you are buying. The Apple iPad changed all that. Smaller screens with higher resolutions are preferred because they add to the portability rating of the product in question. Some people are however complaining that they miss the good old days when they could get their PC or laptop to show everything they wanted to see in a font that did not make them squint. They also miss the standard keyboards which could work very well for those of us who are afflicted with sausage fingers. The concentration on portability has ensured that the market has effectively become accustomed to gadgets which can be fitted anywhere at any time. Of course we have to accept the fact that the personal computer will never be able to be competitive in this market. It comes across as being too bulky to do the job properly.

  • Specifications: The technology suite that accompanies the Apple iPad is suitably impressive. Constant updates are sent to ensure you can get the best out of your tablet. For example they have removed the need to stop and restart the iPad before getting to use the latest features. Google's Android operating system is an absolute gem as long as you are using the latest version. If you go for the older versions, you will soon find that they are cheap and nasty. Try to get a screen that is over 10-inches and costs more than $500. That sounds like weird advice but experience has shown that some of these low-end tablets are just not worth the bother. They will come at a cheap price but the costs only kick in when you attempt to use them.

The issues above are the reasons why the Apple iPad is going to be a major fixture in the consumer electronics market. There are still people who use the personal computer and laptop but that number is fast declining. It is almost frightening to think that the Apple iPad can only get better and the brand is doing everything in its power to ensure that this happens.

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