Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Starting a Business - Making Money Online - Most Frequently Asked Questions!

Everyone starting a business making money online is asking two very critical questions ... How do I start a business? "And" How do I PROMOTE a business? "

Two simple questions ... yet there seems to be a million different answers or opinions. The answer or opinion will be based on the type on program or business you are promoting. Some will tell you what to do but very few tell the how. Explaining how to get it done is more important than the "what." If they never provide you with an explanation, then you never know if they realize what the answer may be- they're simply selling you a product.

Regardless of the product or service you are selling ... or even if it's your own site or someone else's (like an affiliate program) - we all need traffic each and every day or we will not have sales and revenue.

It's as simple as that!

Starting a Business

The decision to start a business making money online should not be made hastily. As with any investment or endeavor, you must do research and due diligence on each product or program you encounter. There are as many offers as there are people looking for them, but do not sign-up for the first promise of "the opportunity" or some magical way to put hundreds a day in your account. These are only benefits the seller and a few marketers at the top. This is going to be a big waste of your money and even worse, you're a great deal of your time.

You can open your email and find tens or hundreds of such campaigns every week. There are opportunities for affiliates, network marketing, MLM, and other programs, or products. However, the scammers out-number the legitimate businesses 5 or 6 to 1.

Resource Example

"A Shocking 81.6% Were Found To Be Scams! 81.6% of the websites (141 out of the 173) ranked so low in our evaluation (an SRA Overall Value below 65%) that they were labeled as scams, ie absolutely not recommended. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Our assessment committee is putting together an extensive SRA findings report, which we plan to soon publish to expose the real extent of work at home scams and frauds on the internet.

What's the reality? The reality is that the hopes and dreams of honest people trying to make a better life for themselves are being preyed upon and shattered, day-in and day-out. Our latest findings indicate the average person looking for a legitimate work at home opportunity losses an average of $ 1,785 to scammers' pockets. And the time wasted, the grief ended, and the lost income you could have made while falling prey to such scams is immeasurable.

Here's The Good News! 32 of the 173 websites we reviewed (18.4% of them) were reviewed, tested, and determined to be legitimate, safe, and to deliver on their money promises! "- Site Review Authority

Do Your Homework and Survive

There are blogs and review sites that honestly evaluate business opportunities online and present actual results by the staff or consultants. You can go to a search engine and insert the keywords that interest you, ie, "business making money online," and it will bring up multiple sites if such offers. You may want to visit some of the sites that interest you, take some notes, then go to review sites / blogs and get the comments from other seekers and professionals.

This will assist you in deciding which are legitimate and narrow down your selection process.
Proven, Established and Successful Alternatives

The other option is to identify a home business that provides good long term income from an established system with proven income sources. The best home business will provide step-by-step internet marketing guide, multiple income streams, a proven success guide, a proven email follow-up system and Total Support!

Do your research and locate the company that has a long history of performance and you have found the system that is worth your time and investment. You want to commit to an established system or program, not one of those fly-by-night scams that offer promises of over-night wealth. The reputable firms present a stable long-time business that shows you how to generate $ 1,000's Online Every Single Month with this passive residual income. That's the answer!

Perhaps such proven programs number in the "precious few" category, but they are out there for you. Once you have found one, then, and only then do you start the next phrase of this successful journey.

Marketing and Promotion

"Build it and they will come," may apply to some offline developments, but on the Internet there are established rules that MUST be adhered to for success in getting any visitors- more importantly targeted traffic.

There are both short-term and temporary expensive fixes to your site promotion. Guaranteed traffic, pop-unders, banner ads, and AdWords are the most popular of these intermediate solutions. However, if you desire long-term permanent visitors to your web site, you must do something more.

Most people think spending time on trying to promote is a waste. They want a quick fix. But the truth is that the long-term solution to your site promotion and trying to generate traffic to your site, product or service is going to take WORK.

The marketing plan is to build permanent traffic to your site while building your "list." ALL the successful marketers and programs preach this approach, and will tell you this is how they generate their passive income. Because once you reach the peak, you will be at the top of the search engines and the work is realized. But, it requires a commitment to the plan. To implement the plan you need several tools and a "game plan."

Tools include a lead generating / capture page (s) to build the list, an autoresponder to communicate with the list and promote your product, program or service, some writing skills, and a short learning curve on other marketing techniques. The truth is there is no one answers to all your marketing and promotion needs, but there are those that are proven and should be utilized to eliminate the need for other on-going advertising expenses.

Many spend big dollars on guaranteed visitors to their web site, but it is a fact that most buyers do not make a purchase until being exposed to an offer 7 nor more times. You buy 10,000 or 50,000 visitors to your site and have a 1-2% sales rate. I can tell you from experience you are losing money with this investment. The bad part about it, you do not know who the visitors are or if they did more than click your URL, or link.

The mistake we all make to start is sending them to our web site. If you had sent them to your lead capture page, at least you would have them in your autoresponder and receiving your messages. They are more likely to obligate them from there. Otherwise they may never return to your web site. So, initially you want to get them to that page with a free offer, a newsletter, an e-book, or other attraction that gets their name and email address into the system.

Commit yourself to 2-4 months of building your business making money online and you will find the traffic will come. Build your permanent links on the Internet and then you have major traffic to your site for those seeking to derive long-term income online. The purpose of this program is to help you establish your web site on the search engines so that you start getting FREE high quality natural search "targeted" traffic.

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Shorten URL's And Earn Money

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