Sunday, July 29, 2018

No Burnouts - Confronting Stress in the Workplace

The body, in order to survive, needs to maintain equilibrium with its external environment. Stress occurs when we are subjected to any form of pressure in our environment and our bodies need to compensate in order to restore the balance.

There are many causes of stress. Human beings in all ages experience stress. Adults, who have the largest demands from the society, also experience the biggest stress. This is because they take on many roles - spouses, parents, acquaintances, employees and responsible community members.

Enter the largest percentage of stress felt by adults - stress in the workplace. The demands of a day job can easily take its poll on a person if these are not managed well. Whether it's trying to please your boss, or fitting in with the rest of the team, or managing piles and piles of paperwork with impossible deadlines, confronting a possible termination of employment or dealing with a colleague whom you perceive to have an attitude problem, you need to learn how to control stress in the workplace before it controls you. When you've begun dragging your feet to work, calling in sick too frequently, crying in the washroom alone, you know you will need to unload some of that soon soon.

People who experience workplace stress take their burdens out of the office and by doing so, affect relationships with their spouse, children and friends negatively. Stress affects your focus and productivity as well as your ability to relax, have fun and enjoy life's pleasures outside of work. People who can not manage stress in the workplace may begin to lose interest even in things outside of work.

There are some effective ways to confront workplace stress. Here are suggestions:

Find a motivation. People who drag their feet to work have lost track of the reason for getting up early in the morning. Without a motivation, you will be left struggling and willing the clock to turn to 5 so you can go home. This mentality adds stress because you may not be able to finish any work, and if you do, the quality will only cause you and your boss additional stress.

Choose your words carefully . The worst thing you can do to yourself is give people reasons to hate you. When talking, always think of what you'd like to say, and execute them gracefully and professionally. Never raise your voice at anyone, even when they are inferior than you are. Enemies in the workplace are a common reason for stress.

Develop assertiveness. When you know you are right about something, or if you feel that your rights are being trampled over, make it a point to open your mouth and say so. This is how you release bad feelings effectively. For instance, you boss claims something that you know is impractical and impossible, ask for a meeting and discuss your side. You may or may not be turned down, but trying to talk it out makes people respect and listen to you, and you get to avoid the unnecessary nail-biting.

Prioritize and manage your time. This can not be stressed enough. When you get assignments to work on, always divide your time wisely. When on a project, refrain from engaging in leisure or something unrelated, because it will eat up time and you may have to cram. Cramming is stressful.

Stay away from negative energies . Every office will have its bad apples, or the people who get a kick out of bad-mouthing and office rumors. Do not befriend them, because you will only get your head filled with negative notions about your collections and before you know it, you will be back from problem # 1, loss of motivation.

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