Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Morgan Stanley: The economic damage of Brexit will force a

Morgan Stanley Brexit impact on GDPMorgan

  • Economic damage from Brexit will incentivize the UK to
    go for a "soft-out" deal, Morgan Stanley said.

  • A hard Brexit could see a 7.5% fall in

LONDON – Two Morgan Stanley analysts believe that the scale of
the potential economic damage Britain would suffer as it leaves
the EU will force the country to accept a "soft out" deal in
which the UK economy stays largely aligned with Europe's.

The research note, by analysts Jacob Nell and Melanie Baker,
largely parallels
the leaked government analysis
from the Department of Exiting
the European Union, which forecast that GDP growth would be
reduced by 8% with no deal, reduced by 5% with a free trade
agreement, and reduced by 2% if the UK remained a member of the
European Economic Area.

Morgan Stanley created this chart, showing Britain's a la
Brexit options and the economic damage each one would
Morgan Stanley Brexit impact on GDPMorgan

Each position is summarised by an estimate of the long-term
economic damage.

  • Possible post-Brexit status, and the percentage hit to
    UK GDP:

  • WTO/No deal/"Hard Brexit": -7.5%

  • Free Trade Agreement/"Canada-Plus": -6.2%

  • Stay inside customs union: -6.2%

  • Swiss-style bespoke relationship: -6.2%

  • Retain EEA Membership: -3.8%

  • Staying in the EU (baseline): 0%  

In each of those scenarios (except staying in the EU), the hit to
growth would be greater than Britain's current annual GDP growth.
That will force Prime Minister Theresa May's government into a
soft Brexit, Morgan Stanley argues:

"... the decisive moment for the talks is in late 2018, when we
think the UK faces a choice between a hard Out, where the UK
takes back political control from the EU but faces major barriers
to trade, or a soft Out, where the UK continues to some extent to
pool sovereignty with the EU and participate in the single market
and customs union. After the preliminary withdrawal agreement, we
now think the most likely outcome is a transition period to 2021
involving minimal change in the trading regime, allowing time for
further trade talks. We now see a high likelihood of a
low-disruption transition period, a lower risk of a WTO outcome,
and a better chance of an eventual soft Out."

Nell and Baker, who published their note earlier this month,
believe that it is logistically difficult to get a "hard Brexit"
even if the government wanted one, because doing so might
reignite the conflict in Ireland over the border between Northern
Ireland and the rest of the country:

"First, the parties have reached preliminary agreement on the
exit issues [in December], setting a constructive precedent.
Second, the parties are now discussing an option that includes a
transition period that avoids major changes in UK-EU trade until
2021 and an ultimate trade deal that builds on a Canada-style
free trade agreement, with the Commission proposing to extend it
to judicial cooperation, aviation, security and foreign policy
and with the UK, including Chancellor Hammond, proposing to
extend it to financial services. Third, a hard Brexit would
create a problem with the Irish border. The UK government's
promises that there will be regulatory alignment between the
Irish Republic and Northern Ireland and no new regulatory
barriers between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK implies
that there would be an Irish border issue if the UK seeks
meaningful divergence from the EU. In short, it looks hard to
satisfy the promises on the Irish border with a hard Brexit,
while breaking them would run the risk of the talks breaking
down, and precipitating a no-deal outcome."

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