Craig: A trustworthy press is the immune system of democracy.
In 2016 the immune system failed, and now it's incumbent upon — let's say patriotic Americans to help people in the press industry rebuild that. To show that there is a reliable press, there's a trustworthy press, we need to reassert that distinguishing it from press which may operate from different methods.
Jim: So specifically how are you going to do that?
Craig: Well, I'm not gonna do it. I don't really know anything. I've never written to deadline, you may know that writing to deadline is hard.
Jim: It's harder than it looks.
Craig: So, what I'm doing is finding the people in institutions who are doing good work, including figuring out how they can tell me as a news consumer that they're trustworthy. "The Trust Project" does that in a sense it's about a news outlet having a code of ethics like "don't make stuff up," and then correct things when mistakes are made, because they always are.
Then the International Fact-Checking Network, and the Open Brand Safety people act as watchdogs to make sure that commitments are fulfilled. There's a number of other related groups who are devoted to figuring out what are the networks through which fake news travels. And by fake news I mean deliberately deceptive news.
Jim: These networks are different from trustworthy news?
Craig: Correct. People are tracking down the bot networks for example that are often run by state actors. The state actors — or their allies — will invent something and then state actors will often use their bot networks to propagate this information, and very successfully.
Jim: Okay, so part of the solution is identifying the fact that fake news travels through different pathways than trustworthy news? Is that part of it?
Craig: They will sometimes overlap but the problem is that they're very broad, very populous networks of bots who are very good at spreading fake news at great speed. And at the peripheries of these bot networks are people — sometimes sock puppets — sometimes actual people who don't know how to distinguish fake news from real news.
Jim: So that's the other interesting thing about this project is that in my opinion, there is a large audience out there that doesn't really care about which news brands are trustworthy, and which ones are not.
It feels to me like a cultural change that there is a population of people who kind of isn't that interested in actual facts, or truth, or science. They like hearing the news that they want to hear, they like hearing the news that they prefer, how do you change that? Or how do you tackle that?
Craig: Well, as a nerd I have a certain fondness for logic and reason — which is totally dysfunctional. I can only hope working with the social media platforms that when a news item comes in from a trustworthy outlet, the social media platform will say that: "Hey, these guys pretty much always tell the truth. Their stuff gets fact-checked, and you can feel comfortable passing this on, sharing it."
However, if a news item comes in from a news outlet which has a poor record for the truth, the platform may present the user with an item that says: "Hey, these guys make things up frequently, they don't fact-check, they often pass on things directly from foreign state actor botnets. So you may not want to bother reading it, and you really don't want to pass it on to anyone else."
That is one vision for the future which I think is the evolving vision, but it does require the acts of people with goodwill to make this happen. I'm working with a great number of them here from the US, UK, and throughout Europe and elsewhere.
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